Falcon Fire Protection District (FFPD)

Pull to the right for sirens and lights

Falcon firefighters have recently encountered a number of drivers who either freeze up when a fire truck approaches using lights and sirens, or they refuse to yield the right-of-way at all. These behaviors are dangerous for both drivers and first responders. Refusing to yield to an emergency vehicle using lights and sirens is also against the law under Colorado Revised Statute 42-4-705.For everyoneís safety and to avoid a ticket for failure to yield, remember this easy phrase: Pull to the right for sirens and lights.Here are some tips to stay safe:

  1. To avoid being surprised by an approaching emergency vehicle, avoid distractions while driving. Watch the road ahead, check rearview and side mirrors regularly, and keep radio or audio systems at a lower volume so the driver can hear sirens.
  2. Stay calm when faced with an approaching fire truck, ambulance or law enforcement vehicle running with emergency lights and sirens.
  3. Safely pull as far as possible to the right side of the road and come to a complete stop. Do not keep moving forward.
  4. Activate emergency flashers to alert other vehicles.
  5. Before pulling back into traffic, always check for additional emergency vehicles that may be following the first.
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Website: http://falconfirepd.org
Facebook: Falcon Fire Department
Twitter: @FalconFireDept

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