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Letters to the Editor

Pro fire department

I am writing this in effort to inform the community of Falcon about the state of emergency services. The growth of this area has put an impossible strain on the fire department (as well as other public service departments). Currently, they are unable to provide the level of service needed for the size of their district. Right now, a two man crew is covering 133 square miles, and, as their call volume is picking up, they are unable to respond quickly to emergencies. To keep up with the growth and provide a high standard of care and fire protection, they are asking for a mill and bond, which would build additional stations, add adequate staffing and bring currant stations up to a more usable standard. If it goes through, not only will we all be safer, but some of us will save significantly on homeowners insurance. No one wants to pay more taxes, but we all expect someone to show up when we dial 911.Meredith BucknerPeyton

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