It’s February and one holiday that always comes to mind is Valentineís Day. That one day of the year when people let their special someone know how much they care.Don’t have a sweetheart? Well, thereís no better time than now to figure out what qualities are at the top of your list for your ideal mate. Looking for a person who is an eloquent speaker? How about someone with the same political views?Maybe a handsome man in a powdered wig?The other holiday in February is Presidentís Day, which takes a back seat to the ìotherî one. This monthís Streetwise question combined the two holidays: Validentís Day or Presidineís Day? No, really. We came up with the question, “What president do you think would make a good mate and why?” Here’s what four area ladies had to say.
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Tonya Tune, Falcon ìRonald Reagan. Because he was an actor and maybe he would have had a bit more of an exciting side. I look for someone with a sense of humor and someone who is fun.î | Diana Moure, Falcon ìGeorge W. Bush, because he is steadfast, has a strong faith and a sense of commitment. But, I did read somewhere that heís a fan of the New York Jets, and since Iím a New England Patriots fan that could make the relationship a bit dicey, to say the least!î |
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Lynn Reeser, Falcon ìGeorge Washington because I think he was a fearless leader and I like that in a person ñ someone with a strong personality ñ a motivator. I think he was a person ahead of his time.” | Julie Strauch, Elbert ìAbraham Lincoln. I think he would be very interesting to talk to and because he was ahead of his time and had the foresight to abolish slavery. He was very empathetic.” |