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PPACG needs public input

The Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments is leading a new effort in cooperation with government entities, schools, nonprofit organizations, citizens and others to create measurable regional sustainability goals for El Paso and Teller counties. Goals will be developed in multiple areas, impacting the environment, economy and health of the region. These goals will provide a foundation to create a Regional Sustainability Plan – the framework to identify how individual, business, institutional and government choices can work toward a better future.Public input is a critical component in the development of these goals, to ensure that the goals reflect the values and concerns of the community. If you are interested in participating in this effort, you are invited to attend one or all of the remaining focus group meetings:

  • Built and Natural Environment Group – Sept. 13
  • Economic Development Focus Group – Sept. 20
  • Transportation Focus Group – Sept. 27
All meetings will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at PPACG, 15 South 7th St. in Colorado Springs in the main lower-level conference room. For further information, contact Rich Muzzy, PPACG environmental program manager, at 719-471-7080, x109 or

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