Request by Black & White Moulton Corp., David and Luann Zude and Peter and Pamela Miller to rezone 165 acres from the A-35 (Agricultural) District to the RR-2 (Rural Residential) District for development of Antlers Ridge Estates, a 59-lot single-family subdivision with a 2.5-acre minimum lot size. The property is located on the east side of Meridian Road between Ayers Road and Rex Road in the Falcon/Peyton Planning Area.Request by Hodgen Settlers Ranch, LLC, for approval of a final plat proposed for 43 single-family residential lots, Settlers Ranch Filing No. 1. The property is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development) District, and located approximately one-quarter mile east of the intersection of Highway 83 and Hodgen Road, on the north side of Hodgen Road. The parcel is addressed as 0-24-11-66 and is located within the Black Forest Planning Area. Approval includes authorization for the chairman to sign the plat, subdivision improvements agreement, and any other documents necessary to complete the subdivision process.