Hi There,I am Dakota, and this is my brother Duke, we are both just a year old. We are a well-behaved, friendly bonded pair who would like to chill out together in a loving home. We certainly are a double bundle of love! We are leash trained; and, for the most part house-broken, too. Duke sometimes gets in troublebecause he likes to chase cars but with training/treats he could be as good as I am.People at the rescue think we are a very sweet, adorable pair. Please check us out online at www.pyrescue.org for more information or call 719-749-2340 to make an appointment to see us ó and take us home together please!Great Pyrenee Rescue in Peyton is always in need of volunteers as well as sponsors for our dogs. Please contact us if you want to help at 719-749-2187.PyRescue, https://www.pyrescue.org. ó†the Great Pyrenees Rescue & Sanctuary in Peyton, contact 719-749-2340.