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Business Briefs

Perfect Fit celebrates 10 years

On March 5, David Corder, owner of Perfect Fit Wellness Center in Falcon, celebrated 10 years of providing eastern plains residents a place to exercise and learn how to live a healthy lifestyle, with a variety of programs.Corder has expanded the center over the years and remodeled a bit, but some aspects remain the same as the day he opened. Prices have not changed, and Roger and Sue Carter, Corderís first two members, are still active at the center on a daily basis.More than 900 members have passed through the center, which has about 150 to 200 active members.Perfect Fit now sponsors an annual International Yoga Retreat. Yoga enthusiasts have traveled to Costa Rica (twice), Cambodia; and, this May, they will be practicing yoga in Spain. Next year, they will be back in Costa Rica, also helping to save sea turtles.The center is a ìjudgment-free zone, where everyone supports each other,î Corder said. ìI am so proud of the achievements I have seen the members make … . Perfect Fit is not just a gym. ìIt has always been an educational center where you can come and learn more about yourself and what you might improve in your life.î

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