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How would you like to be 50 pounds lighter 12 months from now?Fifty pounds comes out to about three pant sizes. Imagine looking three sizes smaller – like a whole new, younger person!Getting there is easier than you think.I’m not talking about invasive, costly surgery; dangerous pills or potions; or grueling routines. All it takes is losing one pound each week. One measly pound.Hang with me for a minute and I will break it down mathematically. A pound is equal to 3,500 calories. Spread over seven days means a 500-calorie deficit each day to lose one pound in a week.The 500-calorie deficit can be done by a combination of increased calorie exertion (exercise), as well as a decrease in calories consumed (eating less).Follow these steps:

  • First, record your normal weekly exercise – look at everything from walking to participating in sports to exercising in the gym. This is the starting point. From here you’ll need to burn an additional 3,500 calories on top of normal weekly exercise.If you don’t currently exercise, then any new activity will count toward the 3,500-calorie weekly goal.
  • Second, record your normal weekly food intake – this may be an eye opener when you see how many calories you eat in a day. Record everything honestly, since you are only cheating yourself by not recording everything. Calculate the total number of calories eaten in an average day.
  • Now divide the 3,500 calories between your activity list and your food list. You could choose to eliminate 1,000 calories each week and burn off an additional 2,500. Or you may decide to burn 3,000 calories and eat 500 fewer calories.
Here are six simple ways to cut 250 calories:
  1. Drink plain coffee instead of a sweetened holiday coffee drink. Flavored coffee drinks are delicious but filled with way too much sugar. Drop 250 calories or more when you stick with plain coffee or tea.
  2. Just say NO! to the holiday treats. A single slice of fruitcake may seem innocent enough. Besides, everyone is eating them at the office meeting, why shouldn’t you? All those holiday treats are packed with fat and calories. For each tempting treat refused, imagine the 250 calories falling off of your waistline and smile to yourself.
  3. Jog for 30 minutes. Want in on a little secret? The hardest part about a simple 30-minute jog is the act of getting your shoes on and walking out the door.
  4. Exchange 20 oz. of regular soda for water. Soda is filled with tons of sugar, so why drink it? Every time you crave an ice cold cola, picture swallowing spoonfuls of white sugar. That’s probably the easiest way to gain weight. Stick with water and kiss those extra calories goodbye.
  5. Swim laps for 30 minutes. If your response to my jogging suggestion was “I have bad joints,” then you are in luck. Swimming is one of the best aerobic activities you can do and it is impact-free. When you swim, you recruit the entire body, a process which requires lots of energy – AKA calories.
  6. Eat an apple instead of a cookie. Do you always go for something sweet after dinner? While your first instinct may be to reach for a cookie or a bowl of ice cream, why not consider what nature has to offer? Fruit is sweet, natural and lower in calories than traditional desserts.Also, eat it early. Since carbohydrates are easily turned into fat, eating them early in the day will give the body plenty of time to metabolize them. Rather than eating a light breakfast and a large dinner, eat the biggest meal early in the day and the lightest meal for dinner.Losing 50 pounds in 12 months is very possible. Simply use the tips above to create your daily 500-calorie deficit and start shedding the weight in no time.Featured Recipe:Broiled white fish with brown rice and veggiesThis is a great meal for cutting calories and dropping weight. Watch the portions with the brown rice in order to stay within a daily calorie goal. White fish is packed with protein – just what is needed for toning the body.Servings: 2Ingredients:2 fillets white fish1 teaspoon olive oil1 lemonseafood seasoningpaprika1/2 red bell pepper, cut into bite-sized chunks1/2 cup broccoli florets2/3 cup brown rice, cooked2 tablespoons salsa
    1. Preheat broiler. Grease a broiling pan with the olive oil. Place the fillets and bell pepper in the pan and squeeze the lemon juice over it. Sprinkle with seafood seasoning and paprika.
    2. Place the pan under the broiler for 5-7 minutes, watching closely to prevent burning. Add the broccoli and cook for another minute until soft.
    3. Mix the cooked brown rice with the salsa and divide between two plates. Place a fillet on each bed of rice along with half of the veggies.
    Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 203 calories, 3g fat, 24g carbohydrate, 3g fiber, and 19g protein.

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