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Wish you could change something about your life right now?Change can happen in an instant.Most people believe that change has to be worked at for months or even years. We expect to try and fail numerous times before we ultimately give up or succeed.How many people do you know who struggle with their weight? They want to make a healthy change by getting in shape, but the change never seems to take hold.Is there something in your life that you want to change? Do you have weight to lose? High blood pressure? A pair of pants that you wish you could fit into?What is keeping you from making a positive change in your life?Anthony Robbins, professional speaker and author, says it’s the getting ready to change that takes time. In the end, there’s a single instant when the change occurs. Robbins outlines three specific beliefs you must have to instantly create lasting change:Belief No. 1: Something must change.Do you sort of want to get into shape, or do you absolutely have to lose the weight? Does dropping a few pounds sound nice, or is living another day in your current body unbearable? To make a lasting change you must be convinced that the time has come.Belief No. 2: I must change it.It is vital that you take full responsibility in making the change. Sure, others may assist, but in the end you are the one who is going to make it happen. You have to need this change enough to make it your personal mission – no one else will do it for you.Belief No. 3: I can change it.Don’t let past failures get in your way. The truth is that amazing things happen when you put your mind to it. Believe you are capable of losing weight or making any other positive change in your life.Why do most people fail to make lasting change? They leave it up to willpower. This works for awhile, but you’ll always revert back to what’s comfortable. The solution?Change what you’re comfortable with.You’ve probably heard that humans are motivated by two things: 1) to avoid pain and 2) to gain pleasure. When changing a behavior pattern, the key is to associate pain with the behavior that you don’t want and pleasure with the behavior you do want.You want to lose weight and to do so you need to quit eating comfort food late at night. You need to start exercising on a regular basis. Up until this point your brain is trained to associate pleasure with eating comfort food late at night and to associate pain with exercise.It’s time to retrain your brain to feel good about exercise and to feel bad about eating late at night. Think about all of the negative things about being overweight and connect these unpleasant thoughts to your late-night snack. Now, think about all of the wonderful things about being in shape and connect these pleasant thoughts to exercise.You are capable of making a big change in your life. Remember, change can happen in an instant.RECIPE OF THE MONTHHerb-coated halibut with zucchini and whole-wheat couscousNot only is this meal delicious, it’s also incredibly healthy. A tangy herb paste coats both the fish and zucchini, which roast in the same pan. The entire meal is ready in 30 minutes – perfect for busy weekday dinners.Servings: 4Ingredients:6 scallions, chopped1 cup packed fresh cilantro1/2 cup packed fresh mint3 tablespoons olive oil1 tablespoon peeled and chopped fresh ginger3/4 teaspoon ground corianderSalt and pepper to taste1 zucchini, cut into spears4 skinless firm white fish filets1 cup dry whole-wheat couscousPreheat oven to 425 degrees. Throw the scallions, cilantro, mint, oil, ginger, coriander and 1/2 teaspoon salt into a food processor and pulse until a coarse paste forms. Season with pepper.Toss zucchini with 3 tablespoons herb paste in a bowl. Spread onto a rimmed baking sheet. Roast for 5 minutes.Rub remaining herb paste onto both sides of fish fillets. Push zucchini to edges of baking sheet and arrange fish in center, leaving about 1/2 inch between each fillet. Roast until fish is opaque and semi-firm to the touch, about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare couscous according to directions.Serve fish and zucchini over couscous.Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals 354 calories, 10g fat, 29g carbohydrate, 6g fiber and 32g protein.David Corder

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