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It has been proven that those who pay attention to the nutrition facts label end up eating healthier.The more familiar you are with the nutritional facts label, the more likely you will be fit and healthy.Each nutritional facts label has been designed to quickly and efficiently give you all of the important facts about a food item. You just need to know what you are looking for. Read on as we break down the nutritional facts label into seven important facts.Fact 1: Serving sizeThis small detail skews the entire label if you don’t read it closely. An item may seem like it is only one serving, but the nutritional facts label may consider it as two to three servings. If the label says 100 calories, but there are actually three servings, then you are getting a total of 300 calories. Pay close attention to what makes a serving.Fact 2: CaloriesMost people don’t have the time to count every calorie. However, you probably have a good idea about the amount of food you eat each day. When you approach a new item, read the calorie totals on the nutritional facts label, and factor the new calories into your daily intake. Steer clear of high calorie items, especially in the form of snack foods.Fact 3: FatBy now you have undoubtedly heard that all fats were not created equal. Here is a quick 1-2-3 breakdown.1. Limit your intake of saturated fats ñ this deadly fat contributes to heart disease.2. Avoid trans fats at all costs ñ not only does it contribute to heart disease, it also raises LDL cholesterol (the bad one).3. Focus on eating monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats ñ these don’t raise LDL cholesterol and can even help lower blood cholesterol.As you decide what food to include in your diet, keep your eye on the type and amount of fat included in each item. Remember, all fats were not created equal.Fact 4: CarbohydrateAlthough zero-carb diets are losing their momentum, you may have been influenced by the idea that all carbohydrates will make you fat. That is not true. It is true, however that some carbohydrates are healthier than others. Medical experts think that excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates (such as soda pop, white rice, and white flour) is one of the reasons behind the rise of obesity we see today.Choose fibrous, complex carbohydrates over sugary, simple carbohydrates.Fact 5: ProteinMost of us are getting plenty of protein in our diet. The problem arises when we examine the source of this protein. Meats and dairy products that are full of fat may be filled with protein, but they aren’t the healthiest form of protein. Choose protein from lean meats, dry beans, poultry and low-fat/fat-free dairy products.Fact 6: The good stuffDirectly beneath the protein count on the nutritional facts label you will see the percent daily value of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron that the food item contains. These numbers are easily overlooked but hold great importance to your overall health. The more nutrient-rich food items provide you with the greatest benefit per calorie. Compare food brands and choose the most nutrient-rich option.Fact 7: Evaluate your lifestyleNow that you understand the nutritional facts label on your food, you may still have questions about how to change your fitness level. Eating right is just one part of the equation in your quest for a healthy, fit body. Exercise is vastly important as well.Healthy Fish FingersThese healthy fish fingers are baked, not fried.Yield: 4 servingsIngredients:ï 1 pound cod fillets, partially thawedï 1/2 cup seasoned breadcrumbsï 2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheeseï 1 tablespoon minced fresh parsleyï 1 teaspoon grated lemon peelï 1/2 teaspoon paprikaï 1/2 teaspoon dried thymeï 1/4 teaspoon garlic saltï 1/2 cup 1% buttermilkï 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flourInstructions:1. Cut fillets into 3/4-inch strips; set aside. In a shallow bowl, combine the breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, parsley, lemon peel, paprika, thyme and garlic salt. Place buttermilk in another shallow bowl and flour in a third bowl.2. Coat fish strips with flour; dip into buttermilk, then coat with crumb mixture. Place on a baking sheet coated with nonstick cooking spray. Refrigerate for 20 minutes.3. Bake at 425 degrees for 15 – 20 minutes or until fish flakes easily with a fork. Let stand for 2 minutes before removing from baking sheet.Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals 217 calories, 3g fat, 21g carbohydrate, & 25g protein.David Corder

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