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Pasture and range acreage management during drought

The drought is still a problem in Colorado. Colorado State University (Cooperative Extension) and the Natural Resource Conservation Service received a grant from the Federal Renewable Extension Act to sponsor a two-hour program on pasture and range acreage management, which is designed to help with managing grazing lands. All costs of the program are covered by the grant. Program dates include Aug. 26 and Aug. 31.The Aug. 31 program is scheduled at 6 p.m. at the Beverly Blattspieler Ranch at 10205 Carpenter Road in Peyton (see directions below).Limited rainfall accompanied by high temperatures has left many pastures in poor condition and landowners needing to change grazing management. There are ways to manage grazing livestock that will prevent permanent damage of grass growth. Learn how to properly manage rangeland by attending this program.Experts will be on hand to explain how the climate is expected to impact range growth. Information on rainfall, temperatures and the future climate conditions will be discussed. Experts will then discuss the reaction of the range to the climate conditions. How will range plants react? What problems will start to move in to the rangeland? These and other questions will be answered during the program.A meal and informational materials will be provided to participants. Further information is available at Blattspieler Ranch: From Peyton, take the Peyton Highway south about 3.2 miles and turn east on Spencer Road. Travel one mile to Carpenter Road and turn south.

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