Feature Articles

Paint Brush holds third water meeting

On May 24, the Paint Brush Hills Metropolitan District, in coordination with the Colorado Rural Water Association, hosted the third in a series of stakeholder meetings at the district office in Falcon, Colorado, to continue developing a source water protection plan.According to the April issue of The New Falcon Herald, the purpose of the SWPP (source water protection plan) is to determine what risks exist for the districtís source of water.Leon Gomes, district manager for PBHMD, summarized the meeting in an email to the NFH. He stated that the majority of the meeting was spent working on the potential sources of contamination prioritization worksheet. ìWe determined the likelihood of contamination in each of (the) identified risks, the impact of the risk (none to catastrophic), and the degree of control we had in preventing the potential risk (no control, indirect control, direct control).îThe next meeting is June 28 at 2 p.m. (they will begin developing the Source Protection Plan document, Gomes said).A working lunch is scheduled for July 26 at 1 p.m.Both meetings will be held at the Paint Brush Hills Metropolitan District office.

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