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Our favorite homemade Christmas gifts

When I was little, my grandpa made my sister and me a dollhouse ó complete with all kinds of miniature furniture. I was particularly impressed with the wallpaper on the walls.– Shelli MaderMy favorite homemade Christmas gifts were the ones my dad would make for us each year. He would make the same gift for my mom and for me Ö things like jewelry boxes or clocks. But I think my favorite thing he made was a hope chest. He made it when I was a freshman in college. I didn’t have much to keep in it then, but I still have it today; and it holds many treasured gifts like dish towels and afghans made by each of my grandmothers and several of my son’s baby items.†– Angie MorlanMy sister, Theresa, is an artist. Over the years, Iíve received many wonderful homemade gifts from her, including uniquely designed jewelry, paintings and enameled works of art. But last Christmas she made a massive box of gluten-free baked goods created from her own recipes! She gave me sourdough bread, with a taste equal to anything sold on Fishermanís Wharf, chocolate chews, with a soft cake-like body packed with cherries, and delicious peanut butter cookies. Among other things in the box were packages of faux-gram crackers. They tasted great! I paired them with a cup of hot apple cider, and it instantly felt like Christmas.– Kathy HareOne of my favorite gifts to give at Christmas is homemade peach or plum jam.† It’s a tradition that we started several years ago.†When John and I make the homemade jam (in late summer/early fall), I always find myself thinking about the special people we are making it for.†When Christmas time comes around, I can’t wait to share the homemade preserves with our family and friends.– Michelle BarretteMy favorite handmade item I’ve ever received for Christmas was a quilt my aunt gifted me. She commissioned the quilt, but it had bits and pieces of different clothing articles (pajamas, scarves, handkerchiefs, dresses, shirts, etc.), which were all owned and worn by my maternal grandparents, stitched into it.I was very close with my grandparents, and they both passed away within two years of each other, so that quilt has meant a lot to me.– Breeanna JentOur family made a ìmini-farm” for the grandparents last year. The kids bought and painted figurines that looked like themselves, along with little mini chickens and goats. We set them up like a diorama in a seedling tray with potting mix and soil from our market garden, and planted micro-green seeds for the grandparents to be able to harvest for salads in a few weeks. We probably violated every agricultural law on the books bringing something like that across state lines into California, but it was a big hit with the grandparents.– Jason GrayMy favorite homemade gift was a little wooden play kitchen I got from my parents when I was about 5 or 6 years old. My dad had built the entire thing himself, and I can still picture it pushed up against the wall of our family room, waiting for me to enjoy it Trust me, I did!– Lindsey Harrison

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