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Health and Wellness

One spine – it’s all you get

Chiropractic is a health care system that focuses on the body’s natural ability to heal. Our nervous system (brain, spinal cord and nerves) controls everything the body does – all the time! If there is something interfering with nerve function, there will be a problem with the body’s ability to heal and regulate itself.Our bodies are self-healing and self-regulating. Our nervous system is responsible for this. Every second of every day the body is making adaptations to its environment. It does this without you “thinking” about it.For example, when you run, you breathe harder to get more oxygen into your body; if you walk into an air conditioned room from outdoors on a hot day, your body soon acclimates to the cooler environment; if you cut yourself, the cut heals on its own. You never have to think about the processes necessary to do any of these things – the body does it on its own.A basic principle of chiropractic is that nature is incapable of programming for failure (illness, disease). We are born to be healthy. If you are not healthy, then something is interfering with this ability. One of the possible causes for this interference is called a subluxation. That is chiropractic terminology for a misalignment of one or more vertebrae in the spine that interferes with the function of the nervous system.Subluxations can occur for many reasons: slips, falls, accidents, improper nutrition, lack of exercise, poor postures and sleeping habits, improper lifting, birth and sports injuries, among many more things. When the body is bombarded with different stressors (whether physical, chemical or emotional), this causes stress in the nervous system. Stress in the nervous system causes alteration of muscle tone, which creates a change in the positioning of the muscles and spinal bones. This in turn creates improper joint motion and produces alterations in the body’s function. Since the spine’s function is to protect the spinal cord and spinal nerves, prolonged subluxations can result in permanent neurological damage and structural alterations.Health problems frequently take time to develop and; therefore, take time to heal. Have your spine evaluated. It is the only spine you will ever have.Palmer

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