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Letters to the Editor

On Woodmen Road

Well, we’ve got a new Woodmen road east to Falcon.However… .a) Why didn’t they make it a four-lane road?b) There are two new traffic lights, but they are not timed for Woodmen traffic. They just change on their own, and it is not unusual to have to stop at both lights even when there is no crossing traffic. It would make sense to have sensors to trip the traffic light(s) for crossing road traffic but that’s not the case. So, you can be sitting on Woodmen at a red traffic light and no traffic in sight anywhere!c) There is now a double yellow line so you can’t pass other traffic at any time.I don’t know who designed the road but they had no consideration for Woodmen motorists. From Falcon, it is now twice the distance to go to Mountain View Electric and the same to drive back to Falcon.Thanks,Cindy JonesWoodmen Hills, Falcon

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