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Letters to the Editor

On the termination of Peyton fire chief

On July 11, the Peyton Fire Protection District Board of Directors voted three to two to terminate PFPD Chief Francis Schneider.In response to the sudden concern for incomplete records the chief, deputy chief and captain assured the directors that all personnel records would be in compliance by no later than the end of August 2006. Board directors did not acknowledge the offer.Directors have voted to approve each and every volunteer application. Directors were fully aware of the contents of each application, including those that did not have medical releases. Furthermore, directors reviewed each firefighter after probationary periods and voted to approve volunteers to non-probationary status, with no mention of concerns of incomplete personnel information.Before Schneider: six volunteers on staff. Numerous missed calls, many of the calls for the District were covered by mutual-aid districts. Poor training, lack of maintenance of vehicles, building and grounds, poor rapport with neighboring districts, poor public relations, a lack of professionalism and poor safety practices, no requirements of volunteers to man the station.After the appointment of Chief Schneider: 19 volunteers on staff. The following is a partial list of training: personal, patient and scene safety, fire fighting tactics, incident command, medical in-service, driving and operation of apparatus, water operations, forcible entry, Memorial Star and Flight for Life briefings, propane safety and awareness, extrication from vehicles.This is only a partial list of the performance of Chief Schneider and her crew.Due to the dismissal of Chief Schneider, a majority of the 19 volunteers have resigned. The volunteer count is now somewhere around 6. Two board directors have announced their intent to resign as well. Mutual aid districts are concerned once again.How has the decision of the PFPD Directors helped your Fire District?Three PFPD Directors determine that “her services are no longer needed,” but do not take responsibility for their indifference to incomplete personnel records over several months (Directors shall approve or disapprove volunteer membership in its sole and absolute discretion.)Directors are accountable to district residents. Call them up; ask what they plan to do to return your district to order.Kim ThorpePeyton Fire District resident

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