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Letters to the Editor

On the county commissioner race

As the NFH has reported in covering the October 6 commissioner candidate forum held at the Falcon fire station, one of my opponents blamed me for the purported bad effects of the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights, only to add the ridiculous alternate charge that I did not write TABOR after all. He said it was written by a secret committee whose name he did not disclose. Everyone has heard snide government officials talk of “de-Brucing.” Has weakening of tax limits ever been described as “de-committeeing?”Hearing such nonsense, do we still wonder why good people seldom want to run for office?That same opponent brags in his literature that he has been a registered Republican for 45 years, and is the “real Republican” in this race. Yet he moved here in 1986, but did not register to vote here until 1993. Even after that, he did not vote in five elections, including to oppose Bill Clinton in 1996, and to pick Republican candidates for President, Governor, U.S. Senator, Congress, and even the office of county commissioner he now seeks. Call the county clerk at 575-VOTE, and you will see his self-serving claims proven to be Null.Regardless of how you vote November 2, punish those who lie to you. As the Bible says, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32Douglas BruceRepublican nominee for county commissioner, District 2550-0010

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