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Letters to the Editor

On geocaching

Nice write up on geocaching. Just a little trivia side note to your article. I live in Falcon, and I placed the first geocache in Colorado. It’s called Tarryall, and (it) was placed on July 2, 2000 (about a month after I moved to Falcon). Find the cache here: got interested in the concept of geocaching before the term “geocaching” was created (it was originally called GPS stashing) and (of course) before existed. I’m not an active geocacher. (I keep saying I’m going to get the kids into it.) I do keep that first cache alive since its sort of historical (and people from around the country now want to get to it since it has a 2-digit GC number (its GC18). I think it’s the second oldest active geocache in the USA (the oldest active one, I believe, is the Mingo Cache in Kansas, right off I-70 between Colby and Hays. I visited that one shortly after putting mine out.Mike FrazierFalcon

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