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Letters to the Editor

On D 49 elementary school groundbreaking

This references the article on the new elementary school groundbreaking on Page 36 of the December issue. So, if the 3A (mill levy override) didn’t pass on Nov 1, this school was not going to be built? Come on. This new school is located where? Falcon or Colorado Springs? I enjoy reading the articles about incorporating Falcon. How is this going to happen if the school district isn’t straight? It’s called Falcon School District D49 and a lot of the new growth as far as the schools are concerned is in Colorado Springs.Are they going to give up this area when Falcon is incorporated or are we paying taxes to improve Colorado Springs? I don’t remember seeing the map of an incorporated Falcon going that far into the city. If the school district would have changed before the vote on 3A, would there have been a need for it? If so, most people might have voted for 3A sooner if the money was actually being used for schools in the Falcon area. Now our taxes are being used to build schools in Colorado Springs. If we have to see pictures of schools being built in the Falcon paper, can they at least be pictures of schools in our town?Jeff HouchinFalcon/Peyton (Woodmen Hills)

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