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Letters to the Editor

On being President for one day

I found it interesting that in your poll not one person stated the most obvious, that is:”If I were President for one day I would seek to conduct and carry out the duties of the President in a way that best reflected Constitutional principles and the limitations placed on government therein.”That fact that virtually no one in this land even thinks in those terms anymore speaks volumes for exactly what is wrong. Most folks want government to pander to their special interest and desires regardless of whether the government has been delegated the power to do so or not. That seems to be the last consideration in most minds.Government is “too invasive” because it currently operates far outside the boundaries fixed for it originally or amended for it since. That operation is called usurpation. The reason that government takes almost half of the national wealth (23 percent of GDP federally, 22 percent state and local) every year out of everyone’s pockets is due to usurpation. Up until 1920 the total take, local state and federal, was less than 4.4 percent or about one-tenth the current take. Even in the early 1950s the total take only amounted to about 5.8 percent.Obviously, most of the examples you polled were absurd and had little to do with the Presidency. Few had little to do with government at all. The rest were indicative of most folk’s views that it is OK to usurp our basic law if it’s for the children or the pets, or were simply completely socialistic or totalitarian in nature. Even though, there are perfectly workable alternative solutions that have nothing to do with government.The unprincipled, un-informed and just plain wacky seem to rule the country at this point. At least judging from elections and anecdotal polling.Jeff WrightCalhan

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