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Olivia’s good friend and advocate

Luke McMonigal, age 10, is a close friend of Olivia Domer; the two met as classmates in the second grade at Meridian Ranch Elementary School. Besides watching out for her at school, Luke raised money for the 2015 annual walk, sponsored by Real of Caring, a nonprofit providing support to individuals using cannabinoid therapy. The walk helped raise funds for medical expenses for Olivia. Luke set a goal to raise $100 for Olivia, and asked neighbors, family and friends to donate. Overall, Luke and his mom, Janet McMonigal, estimated they raised between $175 and $200.ìHe made all the phone calls,î Janet McMonigal said. Luke added that making those phone calls was the hardest part.Luke also participated in the walk last October, held at Memorial Park, with Olivia. At that walk, a family who lost their daughter to epilepsy gifted Luke with a pair of socks the family lovingly referred to as ìthe epilepsy socks.îWithout being asked by a teacher or other school official, Luke said he wanted to look after Olivia and make sure she stayed well.ìI would help her when she had headaches or stomach aches or minor seizures,î Luke said.His favorite part of their friendship is being there to take care of Olivia when she is feeling ill, he said.To learn more about epilepsy or donate, visit the Epilepsy Foundation website at

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