In an effort to provide the community with updated information about oil and gas operations, Diana May, El Paso Countyís local government designee, held a meeting in June. As the LGD, May coordinates communication between the county and members of the oil and gas industry.Mike Farmer from the EPC assessorís officer and Craig Dossey with the EPC development services department attended the meeting.May said that NexGen Oil & Gas LLC, the operators working on the Mustang Creek project, have filed for an extension with the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to publicly release the results of the core samples taken at their well sites: the Graham 1-13 well in El Paso County, east of Davenport Road at the end of Judge Orr Road; and the Prescott Ranches 32-34 well in Elbert County, south of County Road 34.The extension will allow them to keep their sampling results confidential until Aug. 13, May said. NexGen has not applied for permits to begin other activities at their sites, she said.Agave Oil & Gas LLC has applied for state permits to begin drilling operations at two sites in the county, May said. Both sites are located north and west of Calhan, Dossey said. The sites are called Jolly 1-9 and Kobilan 1-20. According to the COGCCís website,, the application for the Jolly site is in process, while the Koblian siteís application is on hold.May said Agave has not applied for any permits through the county for either well site.If necessary, May said she could hold additional meetings prior to the next scheduled LGD meeting if activities in the county warrant it.The next LGD meeting is Dec. 3 at 2 p.m. in the Pikes Peak conference room at Centennial Hall in Colorado Springs.