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El Paso County Colorado District 49

October BOE meeting wrap-up

All members of the El Paso County Colorado School District 49 Board of Education were present at the special meeting in October, except John Graham, vice president, who was absent with prior notice.Because of inclement weather, the regular meeting on Oct. 10 was cancelled and all actions items were moved to the special meeting on Oct. 23. At the special meeting, the BOE addressed the action items only, omitting the board update, chief officersí update and open forum portions of the meeting.Marie LaVere-Wright, president, said the decision was made to omit some items to ensure all action items were voted on if the meeting needed to be wrapped up early because of declining weather conditions.Action itemsThe BOE unanimously approved the following:

  • Accreditation of schools to remain in compliance with the Colorado State Board of Education
  • New and revised student participation fees for the 2019-2020 school year
  • Review of the following policies: safety drills; alcohol and drug-free workplace; truancy; open/closed campus; care of school property by students; weapons in school; parking lot searchers; student health services and records; physical examination of students; immunization of students; sharing of student records; and visitors to schools
  • The new director of data and performance job description
  • The new central registrar ñ- charter support job description, the cost of which will be shared between the district and the charter schools at 20 percent and 80 percent, respectively
  • The new BASE49 (Before and After School Expeditions) administrative assistant job description
  • Revisions to the following job descriptions: BASE49 assistant manager; BASE49 manager; BASE49 site aide; BASE49 site assistant; and BASE49 site leader
  • The new facilities project manager job description
  • Review of the following transportation policies: student transportation; district employee/driver requirements, training and responsibilities; drug and alcohol testing for commercial drivers/licensed employees; use of wireless communications devices while operating a district vehicle; and student transportation in private vehicles
  • Meal price increases of 35 cents for lunches and 10 cents for breakfasts to offset the financial impact of the minimum wage and Colorado Public Employeeís Retirement Association increases, while keeping the district in compliance with the Equity in School Lunch Pricing of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010
  • The new quantitative literacy with math capstone course at Sand Creek High School
  • The new student council leadership (honors) course at SCHS
  • Revisions to the policy regarding public participation at board meetings
  • Addition of a payroll technician to the business office staff
Following the regular session, the BOE held an executive session for discussion of the chief education officerís evaluation and performance review. No action was taken at that time.The next regular meeting of the BOE is Nov. 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the board room at the D 49 Education Services Center.

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