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Business Briefs

NFH welcomes new team member

Meet 11-year-old Tommy Sinclair, The New Falcon Herald’s official paper boy.With deliveries to 30 different businesses in Calhan, Peyton, Falcon, Black Forest and Whole Foods on Powers Boulevard, Tommy has his work cut out for him. Luckily, he has the help of his dad, Bill Sinclair, also a NFH team member. “My dad got the job doing the paper route, and said, ‘Why don’t you come along and help’ and since then I’ve been doing it,” Tommy said.In his off-work hours, Tommy is a sixth grader at the Rocky Mountain Classical Academy. He is a member of the football team at the academy, and is active in his church and youth group. Tommy has a couple of other diverse interests that include riding horses at the Iron Horse Christian Youth Ranch and playing the piano.Although he stays busy with school and extracurricular activities, Tommy said he really enjoys his new paper route.

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