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Letters to the Editor

NextEra Wind Farm and county commissioners

In my professional opinion, the $1.6 million one time payment in 2014 from Next Era Energy to El Paso County, after WSEO approval by the BOCC in 2013, and the process now underway for a repeat of the 2013 approval in 2015, have the strong appearance of impropriety and should be thoroughly investigated.Assuming that the Planning Commission and BOCC hearings will be conducted in a fair and impartial manner, there are two possible outcomes: Approval or denial. What is the County planning to do in the event of a denial? Return the $1.6 million to Next Era?Since the BOCC approved the Golden West Project in 2013, why is Next Era going before the Planning Commission on Jan. 6 and the BOCC on Jan. 27 to do the entire process over again? The major amendment to the 2013 approval that triggered a new hearing is most likely the entirely new elevated transmission line right of way. The reason for the major change is the $3 million per mile price tag of a buried transmission line compared to $300,000 per mile for elevated 230,000 volt lines. In other words, sticker shock: In my professional opinion, Next Era, a private corporation, needs to save money and the BOCC, a government entity, is going to be asked to help out the bottom line.In my professional opinion the ìwelfareî of this large number of potential negatively impacted ìnon-participatingî and ìparticipatingî residents is being ignored by the BOCC and the significant physical and financial injuries that may result are the sole responsibility of the BOCC.In my professional opinion, the $1.6 million one time payment and the approval of the WSEO in 2013, and the likely approval of the WSEO amendments in 2014, have the strong appearance of impropriety and should be thoroughly investigated.L. J. Mott, PEConsulting EngineerCalhan

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