A new group called the Business and Leadership Development Group of Falcon is giving entrepreneurs an opportunity to build relationships with other small businesses.Melany McKnight formed BLDG in October with a core group of about seven business people who wanted to create a business networking group in Falcon. Over the last couple of months, the group has grown to about 15 regular attendees, McKnight said.ìI used to be part of the BRAIN networking group in Colorado Springs, but I live in Calhan,î McKnight said. ìI thought it would be really cool to have one in Falcon that was run sort of the same way but dedicated to the Falcon area.îìIt’s all relationship building,î said Zach Gatti, an insurance agent member. ìPeople refer others to those business people they know and trust. This is a great group of people. When I’m referring one of my clients or friends to someone, I need to know that those other businesses won’t put a bad name on my business.îOne of the most common benefits to business to business networking is developing ìpower partnershipsî among businesses most likely to need each other to help their clients. The group is specifically looking for businesses in industries that could quickly develop relationships with existing members. ìWe could definitely use a mechanic, a hair stylist, nail tech, bankers and any of the housing-related industries that could partner with the real estate industry,î McKnight said.The Business and Leadership Development group meets Wednesday mornings from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Falcon Fire Protection District Station 1, 12072 Royal Country Down Road. For more information about the group, call Melany McKnight at 719-659-5860.
New business networking group
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