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Business Briefs

Networking consultants hitting the airwaves

LnB Connectors, formed by Linda Cink and Brian Swanson, specializes in hosting business networking events and training entrepreneurs to use face-to-face contacts for advertising their business. The local pair has now brought their message to the airwaves through a new radio show Sunday mornings on KRDO News Radio.ìLnB came out of the necessity to create a comprehensive market for business networking in the Springs,î Swanson said. He said they started in February last year with a single networking event, but it became clear that business people in the region wanted to go to events that didn’t involve a long-term time or financial commitment to an organization like a chamber or a traditional networking group.ìEverything in networking had become boring. It was the same old 30-second commercials in the same old lunch setting,î Swanson said. ìExcitement and a sense of newness was missing.î He and Cink started with an event called ìContacts and Comedy,î which combined a lighthearted seminar on networking for entrepreneurs with a standup comedy show. Other events include the quarterly ìFalcon Mixerî at Antler Creek Golf Course and ìLnB Takeover,î a flash-mob version of a traditional after-hours style networking event. Clues and pictures of the eventís location are posted to the LnB Facebook page, and those who figure out the location come to network over food and beverages at the restaurant or bar.Swanson said the radio show came out of a need to get information to the growing sector of entrepreneurs, self-employed and freelancers who should be using face-to-face networking to their advantage.ìIt’s another tool in our toolbox for helping business owners that we didn’t think about at first,î Swanson said. ìAlong with the radio show, the focus as LnB continues to grow will be more training and more emphasis on presentation. We have seven regular groups that meet throughout the area, but it’s all about connections, bringing businesses and consumers together. We seem to segment everything geographically and by industry around here, but we can all benefit each other. Just because you’re in direct sales or a freelancer doesn’t mean you and a Fortune 100 can’t service each other.îThe LnB Radio Network show is on each Sunday at 7 a.m. on KRDO 1240 AM. Streaming audio archives of the show are available at

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