On Oct. 21, 160 members of the Mountain View Electric Association attended the annual MVEA lamplighter dinner at the Wedgewood Wedding & Banquet Center in Black Forest. As the MVEA celebrates its 80th anniversary, chief executive officer Jim Herron announced he will be retiring as CEO on June 30, 2022.ìIím not ready to sing my swan song just yet,î Herron said. ìBut I just thought you all should know thatís coming.îFirst phase of MVEA fiber broadbandAlso discussed at the Mountain View Electric annul meeting were the plans for the first phase of high-speed fiber broadband that MVEA is working on in coordination with Conexon Connect.In an Oct. 6 press release, MVEA announced that portions of Black Forest, Colorado Springs, Falcon and Limon will be part of Phase 1, which is expected to be completed in 12 to 18 months.According to the press release, members will receive notifications as the project gets close to their specific neighborhoods.MVEA anticipates that members from the first phase will have fiber broadband ìas early as the second quarter of 2022.î The entire MVEA membership will have broadband access when the ìbuild is complete.îìAfter thoughtful consideration, weíve decided to start in the communities served by the substations near our Falcon and Limon offices,î said Jim Herron, CEO of MVEA. ìThis construction path will benefit the whole of our membership as it will increase MVEAís technology infrastructure and provide a better backbone for our smart-grid technology,î said Jim Herron, CEO of MVEA. ìEven though weíve begun the first phase in these areas, we want to reassure our members this project will reach 100% of MVEAís co-op territory with fiber internet upon completion.î He added that the fiber infrastructure will be member-owned like the other aspects of the cooperative. †Members are welcome to pre-register for fiber broadband, and stay up to date on construction and project updates by visiting https://conexonconnect.com/mvea.