The 78th annual meeting of Mountain View Electric Association was held June 13 at Palmer Ridge High School in Monument. About 153 co-op members were present for the dinner and meeting; door prizes, including more than $2,500 in cash, were given away during the gathering.Joseph Martin, MVEA board president, announced that uncontested candidates in districts 3 and 5 will remain on the board for another three-year term: Errol Hertneky and Kevin Paddock.Jim Herron, chief executive officer, announced the 2019 essay contest winners. The first and second place winners ó Ashley Enghaus and Isabella Avdem of Falcon High School ó attended the Youth Tour in Washington D.C. in June. The third and fourth place winners will attend the Colorado Electric Education Institute Youth Leadership Camp in Clark, Colorado, in July. Those winners are Lane Wilfong from Peyton Junior-Senior High School and Mahalie Owens from Limon Public Schools. Committee Chairman Barry Springer told the members that 14 $1,000 scholarships were awarded to students pursuing further education. Twelve of those scholarships are funded by MVEA, one is funded by Basin Electric Power Cooperative and the Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association Inc. funds another.Martin gave the presidentís report, which focused on rates, capital credit retirements and Operation Round Up. Martin said the Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, MVEAís wholesale power supplier, did not increase their rates, so MVEA was able to keep their rates as is without an increase in 2018.Martin talked about the capital credit retirements. ìThe result was that a far greater number of members and past members received capital credit retirement checks in 2018, and the association had retired in excess of $62.8 million in capital credits to the membership,î he said.Martin discussed the history of the Mountain View Operation Round Up Fund Inc., and referred to the program as ìneighbors helping neighbors.î He said, ìTotal grants in excess of $2.5 million have been given to organizations and individuals in the associationís area since the fund began in 1999.îMembers who participate in the program round up their bills to the nearest dollar, which allows MVEA ìto assist charitable organizations, communities with special needs and individuals who have suffered from loss, personal disaster or medical emergencies†right here in the MVEA service territory,” according to the MVEA website.†Martin encouraged members to sign up for the program.Martin also thanked Jack Wolfe†for his 31 years of service†to the association.†Wolfe is the MVEA attorney, and will be retiring at the end of 2019.††Herron gave his report, and said MVEA is ìin sound financial and physical condition, and there are 2,000 new services this year so far.î He said $20 million in plant additions and improvements are planned for 2019. Herron discussed the digital upgrade scheduled to start in August, which will help MVEA respond more quickly to power outages and allow members better insight into their electrical usage.The winners of the $500 Whole Home LED Giveaway Program were announced; there were six winners from 2,031 entries.†Herron said the program began two years ago to promote LED lighting, get feedback from LED users and weigh the impact on the electric bill when the entire house is on LED lighting.†MVEA collaborates with Tri-State Generation Transmission Association for the giveaway and rebate program, he said.†Herron†reminded members to take advantage of the 2019 LED bulb rebate program.He also talked about the ìbomb cycloneî storm in March. He said trees must be routinely trimmed around MVEA overhead lines ó downed trees on power lines caused power outages during the storm. Herron said people should contact MVEA if they find a tree that could be a safety issue or submit a tree-trimming request form online.After a question and answer session, the meeting was adjourned. The next Mountain View Electric Association annual meeting will be held in Falcon June 4, 2020.
MVEA annual meeting wrapup
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