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Letters to the Editor

More on incorporation

In meetings of the Falcon Incorporation group it has been stated that Falcon can run on $2 million per year and with approximately 40 employees. After deducting for materials, buildings, gas, supplies, vehicle maintenance, and equipment this works out to far less than $50,000 per year per employee before benefits, employment taxes, and insurance.Bonds will be needed to fund the city buildings, police cars, and road equipment. If the city of Manitou Springs requires $4 million per year then why does Falcon think that it can be run on half the money? Perhaps because the residents of Falcon would be up in arms if they knew that they would be responsible for any revenue shortfalls through property taxes. Two million is quite a sizable sum for the people of Falcon to fund through taxes.Attached is the response from the finance group of the Falcon incorporation subcommittee. As we can see, the revenue sources and amounts are not known at this time. Further, the impact of a “large” business closing has not been assessed. The residents of Falcon should be aware that incorporation entails fiscal responsibility and no reduction in fees paid to the county. Also, the residents of Falcon should be aware that 40 city employees does not necessarily mean an increase in police officers on the street or better controls for building and development approvals. Our money would be better spent in other ways.Mary Elizabeth Gray

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