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Letters to the Editor

More on Canine Clashes

Thanks for your coverage of the problem with dogs. I am an animal lover, but I don’t appreciate people letting their dogs run loose. I believe you said in the part one article that there is a leash law for Woodmen Hills. There are some who either don’t know about it or don’t care. I don’t understand why, if people love their pets, they would let them run loose when they can be hit by cars, poisoned, shot, caught and turned over to a humane society, or, even if none of this happens, they can be nuisances to neighbors.This applies to cats as well as dogs. I have two cats and have been a cat lover for most of my life (probably from whenever I became aware of cats), but they stay indoors because I care about them and about my neighbors. I don’t like other people’s cats hanging out in my backyard and eating the birds. I like to put out bird food, but I have not yet this season because somebody’s cat already ate at least one. Living in close quarters, as we do in these developments, requires people to be good neighbors, and part of that is taking care of your own pets.Carol Fouse

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