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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

PUSHOVER:A 63-year-old man from Manila, Philippines, was in line to buy a lottery ticket when a woman cut in front of him. He did the gentlemanly thing, stepping back and allowing her in. The ticket she bought ñ that would have been his ñ wasnít a winner. The ticket he ended up buying, however, was: 741 million pesos (U.S. $17 million). “When he won, he kept thinking: how sad for that woman,” said Philippine Charity Sweepstakes office chair Margie Juico. “She could have won the big prize if she had just been patient.” (MS/AFP) …Chivalry not only isn’t dead, it sometimes pays quite well.MY GED SEZ I ARE SMART:John T. Nelon Jr., 29, was proud of his achievement. So proud, in fact, that the man from Vinton, Va., hung his GED certificate in his garage ñ right above his methamphetamine-cooking rig, police said. When officers followed a tip and found the meth lab, they knew immediately who they were looking for. Nelon escaped to the woods, taking only a tent and a bowl of macaroni and cheese. They were able to track him down when his 15-year-old girlfriend went to resupply him. (MS/Roanoke Times) …He’s now attending the school of hard knocks.Source:

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