AND JUSTICE FOR ALL:It was the “jury pool from hell,” says Memphis, Tenn., defense attorney Leslie Ballin. When the jury was asked if any of them had been convicted of any crimes, many hands went up. One admitted he was arrested after he “almost shot” his nephew because the boy wouldn’t come out from under his bed. Another volunteered, “I’m on morphine and I’m higher than a kite” — and walked out. A third said he was arrested for soliciting sex from an undercover police officer on prostitution decoy duty. “I should have known something was up,” the man said, since “she had all her teeth.” After finally seating a jury, Ballin’s client was found not guilty. (AP) … Though most of the jurywas locked up afterward.BEE BEEN BANNED:Schools in Lincoln, R.I., have canceled the annual spelling bee competition. Assistant Superintendent of Schools Linda Newman said the decision was unanimous. The decision came about because of the “No Child Left Behind” movement that says all kids must reach high standards,” and a spelling bee is “about one kid winning, several making it to the top and leaving all others behind. That’s contrary to No Child Left Behind.” A spelling bee “sends a message that this isn’t an all-kids movement” as it leaves “some kids being winners, some kids being losers.” That just won’t do, Newman says, since “You have to build positive self-esteem for all kids, so they believe they’re all winners.” (Woonsocket Call) … Asinine. A-S-I-N-I-N-E. Asinine.From www.thisistrue.comDUMB WARNING LABELSOn a pair of shin guards: “Shin pads cannot protect any part of the body they do not cover.”DUMBER SIGNS FROM AROUND THE WORLDIn a German cemetery: Do not pick flowers from any but your own grave!
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