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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

MR. BUMBLE LIVESIn 2002, attorney Constantine Xinos sued to prevent the building of a new public library in Oak Brook, Ill. The lawsuit failed, and he also lost his bid to be elected to the village board. But he’s quite supportive of staff layoffs at the library due to budget shortfalls. During a public meeting, Sydney Sabbagha, 11, spoke against the cutbacks. “I used to go to the library knowing there were people there to help me find a book,” the girl told the village board. “It will never be the same without the people you fired.” Xinos, 69, spoke for the other side: “Those who come up here with tears in their eyes talking about the library, put your money where your mouth is,” he fumed. He characterized the girl’s remarks as “whining” punctuated by “crocodile tears,” and said the town had to “stop indulging people in their hobbies” and “their little, personal, private wants.” When asked later about his gruff treatment of an 11-year-old, Xinos – who escorted a reporter into his gated community in his Mercedes for the interview – confirmed he “wanted that kid to lose sleep that night.”Xinos was successful in his previous bid to stop a city project: a senior housing complex. “I don’t want to live next to poor people,” he said at the time. “I don’t want poor people in my town.” (Arlington Heights Daily Herald) … Funny, but Xinos sounds like one of the poorest people in the world.Source: www.thisistrue.comDUHTENTION AGAIN?A bomb threat called in to an answering machine at the Bundaberg State High School in Queensland, Australia, resulted in the evacuation of 75 classrooms full of students. But it was fairly easy for authorities to trace the call: The caller asked school officials to phone him back to confirm they got the message – and left his number.Aaron James Jackson, 21, a former student at the school, left his real number, but denied making the threat until police played the tape with his voice on it. (Bundaberg News Mail) … Of course, “former student” is different from “graduate” – I hope.Source: www.thisistrue.comDOG FLATTENS CRUISER’S TIRESSome dogs chase cars. One in a North Carolina town tried to eat one.The Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office says a pit bull deflated all four tires of a deputy’s cruiser near Hope Mills.Spokeswoman Debbie Tanna says the deputy parked his car in a woman’s driveway while responding to her complaint about another dog.When Deputy Lynn Lavallis went to speak with Gloria Bass, the dog chomped into the tires.Tanna says the dog’s owner, Bass’s next-door neighbor, will be billed $500 for a new set of wheels. (Hope Mills, N.C. – AP)Source: submitted

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