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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

WILD DATEAnthony Zitnick, 21, allegedly took a 16-year-old girl into the home of an animal collector – uninvited – to show her the wild animals kept in the North Miami-Dade, Fla., home. Neighbors said Zitnick was trying to impress the teen. Neighbor Richard Miralles became aware of the intrusion when he heard her scream “I’m gonna die! I’m gonna die!” Miralles is familiar with the cats, so he jumped a fence and ran in to find the girl’s head in the mouth of a 150-pound cougar, who was biting down, and Zitnick looking on in shock.Keeping the animals is apparently legal. The resident, a retired science teacher, has proper permits, authorities said. Miralles saved the girl and carried her out to wait for an ambulance. (Miami Herald) … Zitnick: not too impressive. Miralles: pretty darned impressive.Source: www.thisistrue.comWRONG ALL AROUNDA robber stepped into a bank in Springettsbury Township, Pa., just after it opened. He was too early. The tellers showed the man they hadn’t received their cash drawers yet, and thus didn’t have anything to give him. As the angry robber left, he promised he’d file a complaint with the manager. Police arrested Joseph Goetz, 48, a half-mile from the bank. Goetz is a former police officer who spent five years in prison after hijacking a UPS truck. Goetz thought the driver was having an affair with his wife, but told officers he had kidnapped the wrong UPS driver. (York Daily Record) … Wrong careers, wrong driver, wrong timing. At least one thing in his life is consistent.Source:

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