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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

CRIME OF PASSION“It was weird the way this all came down,” said a spokeswoman for the Louisiana State Police. A woman called to say she had received a phone call after midnight from a man who exclaimed, “I have killed them all!” Using the Caller ID on the woman’s phone, officers tracked the call to Thomas Ballard, 29, of Delhi. Upon their arrival at his house, they found that Ballard had won a video game by “killing” all the “bad guys” and had called a friend to brag. He got a wrong number. No dead bodies were found in his house, but officers found he had an outstanding warrant on a drug charge and arrested him. (Monroe News-Star) … No sense in wasting a trip out to the sticks.NEXT TIME, DON’T DO THATAmanda Rouse, 15, a student at Marina High School in Seaside, Calif., felt ill on the bus on the way to school. She asked another bus driver for a ride back toward home. As the driver rounded a turn, “We hit a bump,” Rouse said, and the driver “fell off the seat and down the stairs.” The driver had hit her head and the bus was out of control. Rouse, who was sitting behind the driver, “had the quick thinking to jump forward and pull the parking brake” just as the bus careened into two parked cars, a Highway Patrol officer said. None of the 40 or so elementary school students on the bus was injured. The driver was taken to a hospital. For her punishment, Rouse must serve a day of Saturday detention. Wait – why punish a hero? School procedure requires that an ill student must call in sick, but Rouse hadn’t. (Monterey Herald, Salinas Californian) … And because zero tolerance only applies to students, the driver won’t be fired for causing the accident by failing to wear her seat belt.Source:

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