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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

One more for the proposed city of FalconOn Monday, May 18, almost one week prior to the election on incorporating Falcon, the boundaries of the proposed town were changed after a judge ruled that Greg Timm’s property in Falcon could be excluded as part of the incorporated area. On May 24, a judge ruled the county could keep 468 acres of right-of-way land surrounding the roads inside the boundaries of the proposed town. However, some voters have already cast an absentee ballot. If a yes vote results, the election could be nullified because of new information that was not available to all voters.One more for the argument against “intelligent” designIt’s the stuff of movies. Giant rats have invaded the Florida Keys – Grassy Key, specifically. The rats were imported (African Gambian pouched rats), and a former exotic pet breeder bred them and then set them free. These rats can grow to the size of a cat. Because of stupid humans, the rats must be poisoned to stop from reproducing. If not, they could hit the Florida mainland. Of course, a good hurricane might wipe them all out, along with – with a bit of luck – the humans who brought them here. We have seatbelt laws, no smoking regulations, litter laws, but we have limited laws on exotic breeding. It’s about those rats in Washington.

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