GOING APE; GOING APE: QUOTES OF THE MONTHAccording to a May 11 Gazette article on ñ what else but the Falcon incorporation, ìDave Beadles (Falcon resident) Ö worries that Colorado Springs will keep creeping east and take Falconís sales tax revenue for itself. The Springs would be crazy not to annex the commercial part of Falcon, Beadles said.î (But Dave: Then why havenít they? Has anyone raised that question? The incorporation effort has been in the works for three-plus years. If the Springs is so desirous of annexing Falcon, why havenít they done it? And what about the infrastructure upkeep and upgrades? Are they crazy not to want that? The Springs officials have repeatedly said they are not interested ñ the Gazette and the NFH have printed that statement, which came directly from them ñ numerous times. If city government is so sneaky and such liars, what would make it different in Falcon?)GORILLA RUNAccording to a newspaper report, a Montana state trooper responded to a call that there was a vehicle off the shoulder outside Great Falls. When he found the car, it was stuck in deep snow and the engine was still running. The trooper spotted the driver ñ an elderly man ñ passed out behind the wheel, with a near-empty vodka bottle on the seat beside him. The driver awoke when the trooper tapped on the windows. But after the drunk driver saw the flashing red lights in his rearview mirror, he panicked and ìjerked the gearshift into drive, and hit the gas.îAs the speedometer inched up to 50 mph, the driver didnít know he was still stuck in the snow ñ wheels spinning.The trooper then seized the moment. The trooper began running in place next to the speeding (NOT!) car. The driver, thinking he was really traveling 50 mph, couldnít believe his eyes. How fast was that trooper running? The trooper held the dazed driver in suspense for about 30 seconds, and then yelled at him to pull over. The driver then turned his wheel and turned off the engine.Heís probably still scratching his head, telling the story to other members of his zoo tribe.
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