No peace for the holidaysA Pagosa Springs couple received a letter from their homeowners’ association demanding they remove a peace symbol-shaped wreath that hung from their home’s exterior. If they did not, they would be fined $25 per day.According to the association, other residents in the area felt the peace sign was a statement against the Iraq war.The couple said they were just trying to make a statement of “peace.””I was really trying to be in favor of something – peace,” Jensen said.One Pagosa news account reported that the president of the homeowners association, Bob Kearns, said the peace sign was also an “anti-Christ sign.”Ole Bob would have had a heyday in the 60s.(The association eventually changed their mind – peace, baby.)The odds are against honestyThe Canadian Broadcasting Company investigated the identities of Ontario lottery winners because the biggest winners were the ticket sellers and others who work for the lottery. Since 1999, 214 insiders have won $50,000 or more. The odds of them winning: one in a trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, said Jeffrey Rosenthal, a University of Toronto professor who studied the lottery results. The Ontario Lottery Corp. rejected the conclusions of the analysis. “Ontario is a leader in lottery security,” a spokeswoman insists. (Toronto Globe and Mail)Leading what?from
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