June ó the month for weddingsThe month of June gets its name from Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage. It was thought that couples who married in June would be blessed with prosperity and happiness. About 10.8% of couples get married in June; which is the largest percentage for one month.Even in Las Vegas, June is the most popular wedding month.Since it’s June, letís look at weddings any time of the year that went awry.Shotgun wedding (literally)“The brideís mother didnít like the groom ñ not one bit ñ and everyone knew it. So, in a bid to avoid her going to the wedding, she was told that they broke up. Somehow, the mother found out and she broke into the wedding ceremony and shot the groom in the leg at the altar.îFrom https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/love-sex/relationships/a9538392/guests-reveal-worst-wedding-mishaps/Not these aunts, but these ants come to the weddingìWhile my husband and I were taking family photos, I apparently stepped on an ant hill. Thousands of ants crawled into all 10 layers of the bottom of my dress. My parents and bridesmaids tried to pick out all the ants ó we even tried to get a hair dryer to blow them out ó but when I finally took my dress off at the end of the night, hundreds of ants fell out in the shower. Ewww!ósseguinoFrom https://www.buzzfeed.com/crystalro/wedding-horror-stories-that-will-shock-the-heck-out-ofFeuding families shattered the wedding“It was a Christmastime wedding, and the groom’s family hated the bride’s family. Well, since the bride’s family was dancing barefoot on the dance floor, the groom’s family took the glass Christmas ornaments ó which were the wedding favors ó off the tables and threw them on the dance floor. Of course, they shattered and everyone’s feet were cut up.””The bride got served divorce papers less than six months later.” ó chaosisaponySomeone else cuts the cakeMy friendís father and her mother were at a formal, fancy wedding for one of their friendís granddaughter. At the reception, the wedding party and guests watched in horror as my friendís dad went up to the wedding cake and began cutting it, giving himself the first slice. His totally embarrassed wife said, ìWhy did you do that?î He simply replied, ìI wanted a piece of cake.î Although the family had their suspicions, a few weeks later, he was diagnosed with Alzheimerís.M.BrideFrom https://www.huffpost.com/entry/funny-wedding-stories-from-planners_l_5d76bfe5e4b0645135731713The domino effect – with urnsìI will never forget this ceremony! The florist was the sweetest little lady and set up these large urn arrangements full of flowers surrounding the ceremony site. Right before she left, she grabbed me and said, ëChristi, make sure nothing happens to these urns!í Being that they were all 3 to 5 feet tall, at the ceremony site, and away from any sort of party, I felt very confident in my reply, ëYes maíam!í But that was not the case! During the ceremony, right before the ëI doísí I see the groom swaying back and forth, and one second later he faints! Falling back he lands on the urns and just like dominos, they all smashed to the ground one by one!î ― Christi Nasser of Epic Thyme event planning in Nevada City, California