Intruder decorates home for ChristmasIn 2011, an 11-year-old boy spotted a 44-year-old burglar stranger in his Vandalia, Ohio, home. Terry Trent, described as high on bath salts, had broken into the home, but fortunately he didnít mean any harm. What he actually did was put up Christmas decorations and lounge around. He lit candles, hung a wreath on a garage door, then kicked back and watched some TV with the volume turned up loud. (Many of us would like an intruder who dusted and vacuumed, right?)Glazing the ham with paintìThis is random, but I paint and customize shoes as kind of a side hustle. Sometimes, it helps to keep the paint in the refrigerator for consistency, etc. I forgot to mention this to my mom when she came over to help us with Christmas dinner, and she grabbed an unmarked jar of brown paint thinking it was part of the glaze for the ham. We noticed the smell almost immediately, but it was too late. Luckily, we were able to run to the store and get another one, but she felt pretty bad. She bought me a mini fridge for my paints the next year.î Alex, 29, California†Recipe gone badìMy mom had recipes for pies that were given to her by her great aunt. She had been making them for holiday dinners for years, and they were always delicious. We all sat down to dessert, ready to dig in, as she brought them out. Everyone took their first bite and looked at each other across the table like something wasnít right. We found out later that my mom accidentally used salt instead of sugar for the recipe!îPatrick, 28, Ohio