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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

Like, uh, how did she get to college?Here is an enlightening conversation I overheard while visiting the Blue Agave Restaurant in Fort Collins. (9/25/18)Adult male: ìHow are your courses going?îFemale student: ìWell, itís like, the professors will, you know, tell you thereís a paper due in like a month. Then, like, they never mention it again. Then, like, they get mad at you, cause you havenít, like, done it.î – Kathy HareBackfired ó ouchWhen 23-year-old Zachereya McGrew discovered that his car speakers were missing, he figured he knew who had swiped them ó a teenager from a nearby neighborhood. He decided to make the kid pay. The teen was in his front yard when McGrew drove up and jumped out. He ordered the youth to get in the car and take him to his speakers, which the terrified boy refused to do. McGrew then reached into his waistband and pulled out a handgun. At that point, the teen took off at a sprint, and McGrew fired at least two shots at him, missing him. Once the boy was out of sight, McGrew slid the gun back into his waistband. McGrewís finger squeezed the trigger, firing off a perfect shot ó into his own left testicle. That caused McGrew to flinch, pulling the trigger again and sending another bullet directly into his left calf. McGrew was charged with aggravated assault and pleaded guilty.

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