ZERO TOLERANCE SQUAREDWhen a 4-year-old girl named Neaveh drew a picture of a man with a gun at her Kitchener, Ont., Canada, school she wasn’t arrested ñ her father was. “That’s my daddy’s,” the tyke had told school officials. “He uses it to shoot bad guys and monsters.” The arrest was defended by the school, the police and child welfare officials. “From a public safety point of view,” said Family and Children’s Services chief, Alison Scott, “any child drawing a picture of guns and saying there’s guns in a home would warrant some further conversation with the parents and child.” But it’s not clear that there was any conversation with Jessie Sansone, 26, before he was confronted by three police officers at the school, hauled away in handcuffs, strip-searched and charged with “possession of a firearm.” Sansone’s other children were interviewed by Scott’s department, and a search of their home found no firearms ñ although one toy gun was found, which apparently was the model for the drawing. Police dropped charges and Sansone was released, but Scott said Family and Children’s Services was “still investigating.” (AC/Kitchener Record) …The next day, Neaveh drew an empty skull and explained: “That’s Alison Scott’s. She uses it to bully good guys and daddies.”DARN YOU, AUTOCORRECT!A student at a technical college sent a text message: “Gunna be at west hall today.” West Hall is a combination middle and high school in Gainesville, Ga. There were two problems with the message: He sent it to the wrong number, and his phone auto-corrected the spelling of the first word ñ to “gunman.” The alarmed recipient called police, who advised the school to go into lockdown to deal with the apparent threat. Once the message was tracked down to the sender and it became apparent that it was all a mistake, the lockdown was lifted. (RC/Gainesville Times) …And to anyone who can type on a phone without ever making a mistake, we say this: You’re a better man than I am, Gunman Din.Source:
Monkey Business
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