Calling SantaAn ad by a Colorado Springs-based Sears store in the Colorado SpringsGazette-Telegraph in December 1955 misprinted a telephone number tocall Santa Claus. The mistake sparked numerous Christmas Eve telephone calls to the Continental Air Defense Command Operations Center in Colorado Springs from children asking about Santa Claus. The incident led to the current NORAD Tracks Santa program.Source: idiotic reactions to freezing weather[Don’t try these at home]John Porter from New York State had the misfortunate experience of frozen pipes in his home one winter. Anxious to thaw them out, Porter backed his car up to an open window so that the exhaust would warm up the house. A little while later, Porter, his wife and their three children had to be rushed to the hospital, suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning.George Gibbs from Columbus, Ohio, suffered second-degree burns on his head one freezing cold winter morning.†Unable to start his car, George diagnosed the problem as a frozen fuel line, which he thought he could correct by running warm petrol through it.†He then tried to heat a two-gallon can of petrol on his gas stove in the kitchen. Ah…..
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