The El Paso County Board of County Commissioners approved by a 3-2 vote to appropriate federal and county funds totaling $223,557 for the expansion of Woodmen Road.Funds from the Federal Aid Highway Program will be allocated in the amount of $185,083; and the county will allocate $38,475. The total cost for the final design is $885,403.Improvements to Woodmen Road from Powers Boulevard to State Highway 24 include field surveying, final roadway completion, bridge, drainage and traffic design, environmental support and permitting, right-of-way plans, utility potholing, geotechnical engineering and the addition of bicycle lanes.ìCompleting the final design is critical to expanding Woodmen Road to a four-lane expressway. With the boardís approval, construction of the second two-lane portion will be able to start this summer,î said County Commissioner Wayne Williams.