Students at Ridgeview Elementary School were treated to an educational magic show May 17. Bruce Black, Falcon resident and entertainer/magician, put on two performances of his ìWater-Wise Magic Show,î which teaches the importance of water conservation.Black said he started his magic career when he entered a talent competition while serving in the United States Air Force. ìI had a stunt that I read about years ago,î Black said. ìI swallowed 15 razor blades and 20 feet of string. At the show, they introduced me as a magician.îAlthough he no longer swallows razor blades, Black said he continued doing magic shows and developed his water conservation show in 2003. He said the drought that occurred around that time prompted him to create a show that focused on teaching people, children in particular, how to conserve water.ìI contacted Colorado Springs Utilities to see if they wanted to sponsor the show,î he said. They did, and they eventually presented Black with a water conservation award, he said.His water conservation show has branched out to now include a recycling magic show, an anti-drug magic show, a germ-busting magic show and a reading magic show, to name a few, Black said. ìIím also a comedy hypnotist and an Elvis impersonator,î he added.During his performances at RVES, Black taught the students about the source of water in Colorado and how water gets from the reservoirs to peopleís homes ñ and he talks about ways to conserve water.Black said he loves entertaining. ìI just really enjoy doing this, and Iím kind of a natural entertainer,î he said. ìI just like to have fun with it.î