Residents in eastern El Paso County won’t have to wait much longer to check out their favorite books from the High Prairie Library. The Pikes Peak Library District’s newest branch is expected to open this September, said Danielle Oller, community relations specialist for PPLD.The library, on the corner of Highway 24 and Meridian Road, will house 14,000 items, and any of PPLD’s 1.3 million items can be requested by patrons and delivered to the High Prairie branch. In addition, classes and programs for all ages, computers with Internet access, WiFi and a community meeting room will be available in the 6,000-square-foot facility.The project cost $3 million. The Colorado Department of Local Affairs, the Colorado Department of Transportation’s Congestion Mitigation Air Quality, Farmers State Bank, Mountain View Electric Cooperative’s Round Up Fund and the Boettcher Foundation made significant contributions. The library also received a $3,000 grant from the Falcon Lions Club for assistive technology and books on CD for residents who have limited vision. Hand-held magnifiers and audio books will also be available at the new library.The library will serve Falcon, Black Forest, Calhan, Peyton, Rush, Ellicott and Yoder residents.