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Library seeking tutors

Share your love of reading and become a LitSource volunteer at the library. Help adults improve their basic reading, writing, and/or English language skills. Tutor once a week for two hours. Meeting times and locations are flexible. Training and materials are provided. The next training sessions will be held Mondays on July 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 from 5:30 to 9 p.m. at the Penrose Library at 20 N. Cascade Ave.LitSource is an adult literacy and basic skills program sponsored by the Pikes Peak Library District. LitSource provides individual and small group tutoring and informal English conversation groups for adults who want to improve basic skills in reading, writing and spoken English. LitSource is a free service provided to adults. Contact Sherrill Wyeth at 719- 531-6333, ext. 2223 or 2224 for information.

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