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Letters to the Editor

Laurels for Looper

Dear Editor,As a resident of HD19, I am proud to be represented by Marsha Looper. In fact, in my opinion, Rep. Looper has done more for our district than any legislator I have ever seen.Whenever people come to her with a problem, she immediately moves heaven and earth to help them. Every bill she has sponsored and every issue she has addressed directly relates to and benefits HD19.When I have visited the Colorado Capitol, other legislators, Republicans and Democrats alike, have gone out of their way to tell me how lucky I am to be represented by Marsha Looper. She has the reputation of being one of the most effective and hardest working legislators in the building.I’m not sure if folks realize all that she does, but no one, Democrat or Republican, could run a real race against her because nobody would be able to fill her shoes or even pretend that they could!HD19 is blessed to have Rep. Looper, and there is no question she has been one of the most successful, dedicated, caring and productive legislators we have ever had. Sincerely,Maryellen BridgesCitizen, HD19

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