Last year at the Falcon Peyton Relay for Life event, Farmers State Bank received the ìRookie of the Yearî award. They had the most people on their team ñ 56, which included three cancer survivors, and they raised $4,600.Participating again this year, they hope to increase or at least match that figure, said Amy Enghause, Farmers electronic service manager. Another Farmers employee, Mike Pettigrew, said they are currently coming up with fundraising ideas. ìPeople want to be involved, but if they canít be there for some reason, they can come into any three Farmers State Bank locations (Calhan, Falcon and Ellicott) to donate,î Pettigrew said. Enghause said they enjoy the relay because of the camaraderie of community. ìWe are a community bank,î she said. ìWe are family owned and operated so community is huge to us.î The event has plenty of activities for the entire family. Last year, the fun stuff included the game, ìpass the pig,î a bounce house and a dunk tank. Organizers hope to bring all those back this year, along with some new events. Joshís Crew, another relay team, is planning to have an ìinflatable hamster ballî that people can run in around the track. Amica, an insurance company with a participating team, has discussed building cardboard ìcarsî that people can race. Relay organizer Diane Saign said the event is fun for everyone but it is mainly about honoring the cancer survivors. To do so, luminaries can be purchased online at through a specific team or they can be purchased at the event. Luminaries are often purchased in memory of loved ones or to sponsor a survivor. A ìSurvivor Receptionî will take place from 4 to 5 p.m. June 7. ìWe have a survivor tent where survivors check in, get their purple survivor T-shirt; and we are having food and drink for them,î Saign said. ìWe also will have a goody bag and a survivor remembrance item that they will be part of.î The opening ceremony begins at 5 p.m. with a survivors lap, she said. The Falcon/Peyton Relay for Life event is June 7, starting at 2 p.m. at Sand Creek High School ñ 7005 N. Carefree Circle in Colorado Springs.As of April 23, Joshís Crew had raised the most money at $6,730; the Fact Not Opinion (the NFH) team, headed up by Alli Griffin, is in fifth place at almost $700. There are 23 teams as of this date that have raised close to $17,000.For more information or to donate or form a team, visit